September 27

A last dance for the road


It’s 3 in the morning and everyone is starting to clear the dance floor and heading to the door. Your friends got their jackets on and reflecting on the night, it was so so. Your jacket on and you are heading out but you notice a girl standing by herself.
You take a double look and the urge to dance with her takes place. You stop for a moment and think to yourself should I or should I not ask her. It’s late, you’re tired; your friends are tired and tomorrow is another day.
One for the road
Some guys just leave and when they’re outside walking to their car, they ponder on the night. They may think of the last girl who was standing by herself, thinking to them, I should have asked her. They’ll agonize on their missed opportunity. After all she was looking at you.
This happened to me many times. I remember walking out on to the most glorious nights and looking at girl by herself and wanting to ask her. However, I was completely out of it, tired and want to call it a night. Although I knew there was still once last dance left in me.
Sometimes, I kicked myself because I knew she was looking at the kid and she was open but fatigue makes cowards of all men.
Perhaps, I just lost heart and since the night didn’t go well, I might as well leave it alone. My face is pressed to window looking at the stars as we drive home. I searched for her face in the stars.
What makes it more difficult is when you’re looking at her and standing right behind her for a while. It just makes it harder to ask. You’re tense, anxious and if you do ask, she can see the tension on your face.
Also, if you don’t ask, some guy will come up to her and take her out. That’s when it really hurts because if you leave her standing there alone, you can at least say to yourself; she called it a night, next time sweetie. However, if she still had more in her, it may haunt you for the rest of the week and driving home will never seem so long.
Therefore, go for it. You never stop busting the moves until you found that special someone. If you’re going down, then go down in flames because back at it later and know you did your best. This doesn’t only apply in dancing but life.
In life you have to keep pushing forward no matter what. Never stop, even if you’re feeling defeated, never give up.
There is a fire inside us all, sometimes the flames are low but it’s still on. Some of my great success in life was when I was about to hang it up but I decided to give it one last shot.
Looking back, some good advice I can give someone is, never give up.


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