September 27

24hour fitness


24hour fitness centers are excellent for people with hectic schedules. It gives them the opportunity to work out during times which are not always the norm to others.

I have a great suggestion for you 24hour people. Salsa! Yes, salsa dancing is a wonderful way to stay fit. Get the cardio workout you need to keep you strong and healthy. Has anyone ever mention it to you.

If they haven’t than here I am giving you the break down. Basically, it’s an anytime fitness. Salsa aerobics will keep you in shape and trim. For those who have no idea about salsa dancing and its benefits, stick around and get enlightened.

Salsa is excellent if you work a second shift. It fits right into your plans. Once you leave your job, let’s say between 10 or 12 you can hit the gym. Your new 24hour fitness locations will be the dance floor.

Go straight from your job to a salsa club. Freshen up a little at work, just go to the bathroom with a small towel and wash up. An extra comfortable shirt to change and you’re ready to go.

Of course it depends on the type of work you do. If it’s a job where you don’t get really messy, like an office or retail, you can just go with the clothes you’re wearing.

However, if you work in a restaurant, warehouse, supermarket etc., just bring an extra pair of clothes and change casually in any bathroom.

Now, if you can stop by your house it’s okay too but who has the time, right. So simply bring some extra clothing, wash up quickly and have a deodorant or cologne or perfume at hand.

The fun part is you can take some co-workers so they can have a blast getting in shape. I’m sure there are some who like to keep business and personal separated. Hey, that’s okay too, just get out and get your workout.

I have a friend in the pharmaceutical industry that stays in shape by just dancing all night. She has an excellent figure. I asked her what gym she goes to and she told me, she doesn’t go to one. The reason she stays fit is because she loves to dance.

It helps that she’s a good dancer but dancing is something anyone can learn. It’s up to the person and how important it is for them to stay fit and trim.

Clubs throughout the city are open till 2 or 4 a.m., which makes it perfect for your schedule. See how beneficial these 24hour fitness centers are? It’s a life saver for me; I rarely go to the gym or jogging. I take it all out on the dance floor. Listening to great music and meeting new friends.

It works out best for me and for many people I know. It’s affordable too, they’re usually free on weekdays and if you need 24 hour fitness deals or 24 hour promotional codes because your wallet is light than you could easily go to the internet. However, once you get your groove rolling, there will be people who will tell you the ins and outs of the salsa world.

You’ll know which are the freebies or the $5 cover charge, which have the free late night buffets and the local ones by your job or home.

There are some who don’t like the club scene, that’s okay too because once you look at it like your gym, your eyes will open. Perhaps, it may feel different but once you start rolling with it, it won’t matter; it will be fun and think why you never tried this sooner.

It’s not always salsa; there are many forms of Latin dancing. You’ll figure all these out as you go and just like anything else in life, the more you put into it, the more you’ll see the results.

I could gain weight quickly because like many guys I love to eat a lot. Although I’m a little more controlled now days, it’s not by much. Salsa has helped me not to let my weight get out of hand.

Perhaps, I could lose 10 extra pounds but I’m okay. Not bad for a guy who doesn’t go to the gym and loves to eat. Some nights when I feel a good workout is needed, I’ll dance with every girl in the club for 2 hours and then some.

Feel good, look good, stay in shape and salsa everyone.


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