September 30

Tinnitus and salsa


Do you have tinnitus or Meniere’s disease and looking for some relief from your misery? Yeah, I said misery because you know how bad it can get sometimes. I want you to start thinking salsa dancing.

Salsa dancing what does that have to do with the ringing in my ear that torments me 24 hours a day. It has much to do with it my friend.

This is the point, it’s there now and you have it. Hopefully it will go away and you can move forward in life. Even if you have dealt with it, it’s always good to have another wonderful tool in your arsenal to combat it.

This website was made to help people enjoy life through the gift of dancing and salsa I believe is one of the best dances to achieve this.

Ok, it’s this simple; salsa dancing will take away the ringing in your ear as long as you’re listening to it. How, when you’re dancing to the music, you can’t hear the noise. It’s taken away.

Am I over simplifying it? I think not. When you learn how to dance salsa and are in a dancing environment, your mind goes to a different place. It’s not preoccupied with the ringing and you don’t have to dance all night.

Sit and enjoy the environment. If you join a salsa class, which I strongly recommend, you will meet many salseros. They will help you with everything you need to know about the salsa world, so don’t get stressed.

I want you to be ready to join a new and exciting world which has gain popularity throughout the four corners of the earth. Salsa is going nowhere. People all over are doing it and if they are not they have a greater interest now more than ever.

They recognized the incredible benefits salsa provides, either through health, mind, stress, fitness, social life and it was a good way to meet their mate.

Imagine coming home from a salsa night. You danced all night, almost till you dropped and got the best cardio vascular exercise you can imagine. You’ll just drop in your bed and fall asleep.

You may not even have to adjust your waterfall cd which helps you sleep at night. You’ll be too tired and just get some zzzs.

You don’t have to dance all night but it may be hard resist when you have several partners extending their arms to you. Hey, you can’t be rude. Just be in the atmosphere, will help take it away.

If you are not a club person it’s ok. It’s a different world for salseros, they want to have fun and dance. Also, it may be difficult for someone to be rude if they just finished dancing like a swan. You can grow to love.

This is for people of all ages. They have dance studios, ballrooms and dance clubs for people of all background and ages. So don’t think your too different or to old to join. Just sign up and if only for a couple of hours a day, get rid of that pesky noise.

If you think the music is loud and affects your tinnitus than get one of those transparent ears plugs and start dancing. Just look throughout the website to get started.

Most of all have fun, enjoy and until they find a cure…join me and let’s salsa all night long.


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