October 3

Sometimes it’s Best to just let it be


Sometimes we should just let things go. It’s easier said than done but it may be necessary, although every situation is different. What I’m saying is let the little things go.

In salsa there is always a new group of individuals you meet.  If it’s not new members in class, it may be their friends or family they bring along.  It’s a good thing but you may not always get the response you expect.

For example, let’s say you developed a good friendship with girl in class for the past year.  Well, she decides to bring her cousin and they grew up together. They haven’t spoken for 2 years and she thought this was a good place to make things good again with her cousin.

Sounds like a good idea but you never know how someone may react. Your friend introduces her cousin to the salsa group and everyone starts dancing throughout the night. You give some space between your friend and cousin so they can catch up.

Their conversation appears intense and after an hour.   To get a dance with one of them at the moment may be a delicate task or perhaps it’s no big deal.  It’s in your head, there’s nothing going on there, I’ll just ask one of them to dance.  Just to be sure, you bring one of your buddies.

Plan is executed.   Your boy asks the salsera friend to dance and you’ll ask her cousin.  After all, her cousin has a beautiful smile and she gazed heavenly into your eyes when introduced. A new song starts so of you go on the attack.

You friend takes her out and you ask her cousin, “May I have this dance.”  She says something to you but the music is loud and can’t understand her.  Perhaps, she didn’t hear you so you ask her again with a little twist and a silly grin on your face.


You say, “Shall we dance senorita?” She screams, “Noooo!!!”


Ok, what the heck was that all about? There are many ways you can respond to this treachery but what is the best way.  Well, it all depends.

You can just stand straight and don’t walk away and be casual about it. Nod your head a little and ask the girl next to you to dance. Guide her out with a smile as if nothing happened and enjoy the music and her company.

Yeah, I know, it can be a real bummer when someone rejects you in such a harsh manner and you want to deal with it. However, sometimes you just have to let it be and move on.

I realized there could be a million things going on in a woman’s mind and we don’t know what it is.  Perhaps, her boyfriend just dumped her.  She may be sick at the moment and you caught her at a bad time.   It could be that her mom is very sick and is in a hospital.  We don’t know.

Not to make it an excuse for the conduct, I’m just laying out some examples.

There are other ways to deal with it.  What did you do when confronted with this?  Also, it would be good for the ladies to give men some advice in this article. Give us a different perspective to help your fellow salseros.


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