October 3

Salseros and Psychos 5


I’m just kidding I never told Harry, “I never knew a monkey could talk.” However, when I went home I thought of it.  It would have been so good.


I was calm and my friend and his girl stood between us and Harry’s girlfriend pulled him away to another table.  I was being a nice guy; I was so nice my friends thought I was afraid.  I asked them why you think this.


You looked timid.  I was being very respectful and I wasn’t there to fight, I wanted to have a serious conversation with him.  I wasn’t afraid, just very respectful, don’t mistaken respect with fear.


I thought of it for a moment and thought this jerk just raised his voice at me again. However, started to reasoning to myself.  This guy is crazy.  I took my friends advice to have nothing to do with him.


If this lady wants to be with this mad man, then good riddance. She’ll get everything she asks for and more.  I just hope they don’t populate the gene pool.


I looked at him sitting at another table and negative feelings started to swell up so I did what I had to do.  I grabbed the first girl and hit the dance floor.


The whole thing was dropped and I moved on.


3 months later, I’m at the same club with my friends and Harry is there by himself.  I paid it no mind; I was having a good time.  I went to the men’s room to freshen up and when I walk out someone bumped into me.


I thought it was an accident so I let it go but turned around and it was Harry. “Why did you bump into me?” I said. He looks at me and denies it. I calm and tell him “Yes, you did, you purposely elbowed me, why did you do it?”  I wanted an explanation.


I was in an explanation mode at that time. I wanted to reason with people and know what was going on their head. He denied again. We looked at each other in the eye and I thought for a second.


I said, ” Look, whatever happened in the past let’s forget about it and move. I don’t have anything against you; I’m here to have a good time. There is good music and a lot of lovely ladies, let’s move on.”


My hands were extended to him as a gesture of peace. He looked and waved me off in an angry manner. “The hell with you,” I waved him off and walked away. The place was pumping and just about everyone was having a good time.


The episode was quickly forgotten, reaching my table I was pleasantly surprised to see a girl I like sitting there. I took her hand and led her to the dance floor. It was a good dance.


As we danced to the salsa music, a dancer bumped into us. I let it go because, you know salseros, and sometimes we get bumped on the dance floor. I turned slightly to see who it was and it was Harry. My mind set is for peace but I knew than this matter will be resolved once and for all. My friend was next to me and saw the whole thing. Now his girlfriend’s aunt is going out with Harry so he is trying to stay neutral. I understand and I don’t want him involved anyway.


I must say there were several emotions brewing inside at the moment and I wasn’t sure which one I was going to take.  Again, my mind at the time was set on peace mode but I knew it will have been dealt with tonight. I had to take action and not yet sure which route I would take, a warm hand grasped my shoulder.  The girl I was dancing with, I completely forgot about her.


She held me tight and said, “I don’t like fights, I won’t put up with It.” and she held me close. The music was jamming, gosh, how good music and the warm touch of a woman can instantly make you forget about your problems.  She held my arms and brought me to the middle of the floor and we danced.


Be a peaceful man Chase, be peaceful.  However, don’t mistaken peace for weakness. One thing is certain for hoods, you’re going to run into the wrong person, at the wrong time at the wrong place, so beware.


We sat at our table and my friend Max sat next to me and told me what just happened. He was in the bathroom using the urinal and suddenly he felt a presence behind. It was Harry just hovering over him.  He quickly zipped his pants and yelled what the hell you want!  Harry just looked at him, so Max put his body in a fighting position and told him come and gets it.  “Come on,” he’s ready to do battle.


Harry heads out the door and looks back at Max and calls him a piece of crap. Well, he used a stronger word but you understand.


Let me tell you something, when you hover over a man using a public restroom, you better get ready for anything.  It’s just something you don’t do.


Ok, Max, we have a bonafide psycho in our hands. We tried to be nice and ignore but it didn’t work. This guy is stalking us, he wants to harm us.  Are we going to let these sick individuals intimidate and attack us?  Will the police be there to protect us when he strikes? They’ll show up but when they do, will I be okay or will Harry quickly finish me off?


What to do, what to do?  Max and I looked at each other and knew we now have a problem. We decided at that moment to handle our problem. Of course in a legal manner, we will defend ourselves. Besides, Harry is trying to terrorize the club and nobody is doing anything about it.


We couldn’t let this go, it’s time people started standing up and take care of these thugs who think they can terrorize people.


At that moment we decided to execute a plan and finish this off once and for all. Put an end to it, so we looked at our options. We’re ready right now but there was a good Hector Lavoe song so we had to bust it out on the dance floor first.


Turn the page to learn our plan, our options and how we executed our plan.


Please let us know if any such situations occurred with you, men or women. Share so you can help fellow salseros who come across these situations because you never know who is watching you.


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