October 3

Salseros and Google


A salseros, I just read Gmail will be able to store all your information starting in March. They will be able to track all of your information if you use any of their services.


Your Gmail account, Google search, YouTube videos, downloaded applications, your android phone, etc., etc.  According to what I read, in 2011 they gave the government 93% of all the information they were asked.


I don’t want to go to the specifics about it here but go to change.org by Ken Evoy it will tell you the whole story. I personally don’t want anyone having access to the information I search. Who wants a total stranger in their business?


Imagine, sending a text on your android phone or email to your 15 year old daughter you will be working overtime and won’t be home till 10 p.m.


Now, I have to make a change with my new android phone which I really love.


I’m using Bing.com now as a search engine and not using google anymore. Do your own research and check for yourself.


This is just a general statement but checks out change.org for more information and spread the news.


Nobody should KNOW what club we’re going dancing to on Saturday night except our group. Imagine going to a little getaway dance studio and suddenly bumping into your ex.


Maybe it was just a coincidence.


Chase out


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