October 3

Salseras when picking a Boyfriend think like a Lioness


I was watching a documentary about lions and this one in particular was about the importance of selecting the right mate.   Of course, I’m not saying we have to think like wild animals but I believe there is much we can learn from nature.

A huge lion was roaming the jungle and came across a female and her cubs. This lion scared away the male lion, who was the father of these lioness cubs. The mother just watched as this new lion approached one of her cubs and killed it.

Then he went to her second cub and killed it too and he killed her third cub. One, two, three all mauled to death in less than 5 minutes.  The mother was helpless.  Shortly afterwards the lion took the mother and mated with her as she roared.

Graphic, I was amazed to watch all the cubs get killed. It’s the reason why lioness mates with only strong lions.  If they choose a weak one, he will easily get chased away and they will kill her cubs.  She needs a strong male who will protect her and her children.

The animal world seeks strength which is understandable in their kingdom. They must be physical to fight off predators.

Speak from a male point of view; I believe a woman also takes notice of a man’s strength. However, physical strength may not be her most important factor. They look at other qualities.

I won’t deny that learning salsa gives men the opportunity to meet women they may have never had a chance to know. This is a good thing; a man has to pay his dues to learn the art of dancing. For many men, the better they get, the more women they meet. It could be for many reasons and one could just be that he has more confidence.

I know this is appealing and a woman can have a great time dancing and laughing with him on the dance floor. It’s natural to have a physical attraction to a good dancer. Some of these guys are very charming.

However, I believe a good relationship is more than just being a good salsero. I mean, I met salseros who used the powers of salsa for evil.  Not that yours truly ever abused the powers… well, maybe I stumbled sometimes.

I know there are some salseros reading this and saying hush up man, what are you trying to do.

Girls all I’m saying is evaluate and I know there are many intelligent ladies out there who know this, I’m just reaching out to some who don’t or to some who need a reminder.

It takes more than great dance move to build a strong relationship. Therefore, ladies think like the lioness.  If physical strength is a dominant trait in the animal kingdom to mate and have children, what are dominant traits a woman should look for in a man?

What should a woman consider from her mate if she wants her children to grow, survive and be fruitful in this world?

We’re adults and whatever relationship you choose to have with a salsero is fine. There are great guys out there who took dance lessons because they wanted to celebrate life and hopefully meet a wonderful woman who can celebrate it with him.

Seek out the great men ladies, I mean seek out the great men for a wonderful relationship you want.   Try not to get misled by his fancy footwork.  I know it can be difficult but strive for it because I met some real jackals.

I meet some girls and for the life of me, I can’t understand why they stay in such a horrible relationship.   I guess sometimes we have to live and learn.

I understand some monkeys also share the same dynamics and perils of the lion when they seek a mate.   Well, that’s another story but like some salseras, be one with the monkey.

Oh, remember, the lioness…..roaarrrr.


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