September 29

Salsa Health Tier 2


Salsa dancing for your mental health care has many benefits if you’re suffering from depression, insomnia, ADHD, stress or tinnitus.

These are some of the benefits of salsa dance therapy. Yet, there are so many to list but we can start with a few.

INSOMNIA – If you need something to help you sleep at night a dose of salsa dancing is very effective

ADHD – I spoke with a person who has this and one thing which struck me is how many individuals who have this are restless at night. Come on now, you know what can do the trick.

Tinnitus or Meniere’s disease – Ouch…People who suffer from tinnitus can’t stop the 24 hour a day ringing in the ear, which can cause them to lose sleep. Can you say Hector Lavoe?

STRESS – Come on, now you know how salsa does mind right with this.

DEPRESSION – Regardless to what degree of depression you may suffer from, dancing salsa can only help.

I could go on and on. The list here are things which affect many deeply and I believe salsa as any exercises could greatly help.

Some say it is only a temporary help and when I go home or turn off the music the pain begins again. Well, it may be for some and what ailment you may remain.

However, keep this in mind. There are many individuals and professionals who say any form of physical fitness helps the body and mind. I’m sure you may know this. Even if you’re not very well informed on health.

Your common sense tells you, working out will benefit my body and mind.

Salsa Dancing Benefits

– It’s an excellent cardio work out, you get the exercise needed to stay healthy.

– It helps build your confidence not only in the dance floor but in life, try and you’ll see.

– It’s fun and exciting, it is like you are not working out but listening to music and enjoying yourself.

– Salsa dance for 2 or 5 hours a night and see how fast you fall asleep when you get home.

– You won’t be able to hear the ringing in your ear while the salsa music is pumping.

– If you can’t sleep and have to be at work at 8 a.m., than dance salsa from 8 p.m. till midnight and will sleep like a baby.

– If you are depressed meeting someone special on the dance floor may help… It helped me.

– Let your body and mind be over taken and flow to the beat of the music and watch what happens to your stress.

– This and so much more.

I’ve been with salseros and some suffer from many of the things and it does take a toll on them. However, the great majority told me the same thing. Chase, I don’t know where I would be right now if salsa wasn’t in my life.

I would be very afraid to think what would have been of me.

This is a powerful testimonial from people of all walks of life. I suppose this is why salsa has grown in popularity throughout the world. It’s more than dancing; it’s a lifestyle for those who are fortunate to take hold of it.

One thing about salsa, it’s international. You can take it anywhere in the world and you will meet people who are captured by it. Even if they don’t know how to dance salsa, they will be eager to learn especially when they understand the benefits.

Some people say it only works on the dance floor but when I get home, the pain returns. I can’t fully agree with this. Yes the pain will return but a fun and exhilarating cardiovascular workout can do more than you ever thought of.

However, to those who say the pain returns and it is only temporary, I understand. Many of us have suffered pain in our lives or have loved ones in our lives who are affected. Pain is a part of life just like love, joy and triumph.

There is an expression in Spanish I heard throughout my life but never really thought of it until a few years ago.

Disfruta la vida! It means to enjoy life

Whatever, may be occurring in your life now, you are not alone. There are others who are with you and have an open arm ready to receive and share a dance with you. Although the dance won’t last forever, it may be enough to help us make it for another week. The touch and warmth someone gets from salsa is all some may get during difficult times.

Therefore we must enjoy the precious time of joy we have and enjoy the light while it’s here. Perhaps that is what life is all about.

So, I say to you, my brothers and sisters in salsa…Disfruta la vida…Disfruta la vida!


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