October 2

Salsa For Fitness has the best dance workout routines on the planet


Did you know Salsa For Fitness, Salsa Dance Fitness Workouts, crunch cardio salsa is one of the best dance workout routines for cardiovascular fitness. Learn salsa steps, salsa dance steps and get the Latin workout of your life while having blast of fun with your friends.


From basic salsa steps to salsa mambo on 2, you’ll learn how to put these special powers to use at home, business, 24 hour fitness locations or work it out on the night club.


For single fitness, senior fitness, teens and couples, everyone can salsa.


Caution, once you get hooked on salsa there’s no going back. Trust me. So prepare for a change of lifestyle filled with excitement and adventure, one with new friends, parties, places and someone wonderful in your arms. Salseros, you know what I’m talking about!



Warning:  As you advance in your knowledge of self and salsa dancing, you may start finding yourself being more and more highly irresistible.  As it is said, the time may come when you reach the final level and the people on the dance floor step aside because they realize you have THE GLOW.


Just, remember, with much power comes great responsibility. Therefore, please, don’t abuse the powers. Salseros, you know what I’m talking about!


Let’s begin our journey.



What you will learn


– Basic salsa steps


– Advance salsa mambo on 2


– How to incorporate salsa for a fantastic workout


– How to stay lean, fit and healthy


– Great salsa clubs and gatherings to rock your new skills


– Everything salsa, health and fun to be Fit for Life


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