October 2

Salsa Economy 2


A continuation of my theory of the coming economic crash in the America and how it will affect salseros and Americans. I know, I know, this is a salsa website but consider this. The economy has a lot to do with your leisure activity.


If the economy is bad and inflation shoots up, you may not be able to do the things like before. For example, I know salseros who have a background in construction. They got paid well for their services and experience.


Now there are many who are out of work, have their hours of work lowered or got a decrease from their previous pay. Especially those who had a small construction business. There was money to spend and go out dancing all the time without really having monetary concerns.


These days’ guys are cutting back and looking for ways to still have a good time but not break the bank.  Actually, they used to break the bank a lot before. It was easier to get more hours at work or find a decent paying part time job and if you had a business it was thriving.


I have some friends who are school teachers and they always told me there jobs were secured and they couldn’t get fired. This was 5 years ago. I didn’t know much about the policies of our educational system a while ago.


However, they told me it would cost the city to much to fire them. I remember telling them, nothing in this world lasts forever. I’m sure it’s possible to lose your job as a teacher but they assured me it would be extremely difficult.


Well, I love in New Jersey and our new governor has forced a change in our state educational system.  To make a long story short, several of my friends lost their teaching positions.


I have another friend, a school teacher who bought a one family house with the mother of his son who is also a teacher about 2 years ago. I told him don’t do it. Buy a 2 family house instead to get help paying the mortgage.


He didn’t want the extra headaches and said they get plenty of hours and a decent pay. He’s a salsero also but he doesn’t go dancing as much these days. The mortgage is hurting his pocket book and he’s feeling unsecure in his teaching position.


The economic times affects us and our quest for fun. However, there is always hope for a better tomorrow. We just need to continue to figure out ways to decrease or spending. It may take some discipline but it’s possible.


We should consider discount dancing outlets for our salsa shoes, Latin dance clothes, salsa dresses and salsa accessories. Also, we have to think of innovative ways to go on dates and keeping the tab low.


It can be done, it just takes some creativity and a little elbow grease. At first it may seem difficult but it will pay off in the near future. The benefits will far surpass the brainstorming. We will figure out how to have inexpensive salsa dates and how to have inexpensive salsa group activities.


For those who are really strapped, we’ll learn how to have cheap salsa dates and cheap salsa dancing parties. Of course it won’t look cheap. They way we’re going to package the activity will be cool and classy. Like I said, it will just take some imagination and a little hard work at first.


Once we get the money saving salsa date nights down pack and cheap salsa group events, the ball will be rolling and we could repeat the same process over and over. We’ll only need to tweek it a tad here and there.


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