September 30

Salsa Clothes, Latin Dancewear to Rock


Salsa clothes, salsa dance dresses and salsa costume are essential while dancing to the best salsa music. Look no further. Gets the Latin workout with the latest in salsa clothing style?

Ok, you got the moves but now you need your dancing tools. There is nothing more beautiful than watching a lady gliding on the dance floor with her over flowing exotic dress.

When some start dancing them wears what they have but as they start progressing, they realize the importance of dressing comfortable and dressing to the part of a salsero.

For guys it could be easier with our Latin dance-wear because we can easily but on some slacks and a comfortable shirt and it looks good. However, this is not always true because I know guys who take an hour or two to get ready. The truth is everyone wants to look their best, especially if you’re a salsero.

The importance of comfortable salsa clothes

You know when your dancing and the shirt you’re wearing is itching. Auugghh! It has to be the worst feeling. You can’t really spin or move because the feeling is to intense. I used to be there many times because I never planned ahead.

Some clothing you can’t move or twist because they’re tight fit and it doesn’t allow you to bust out your new moves.


If I’m practicing or going to a regular social event, I may go casual with slacks, shirt or t shirt. The clothing is clean and press and not really flashy but that’s me. However, I always see some people always dressing to the nines in clubs, practice and a casual event.

It’s ok for some people, if it’s what they like, hey everyone is different and that’s what makes life great.

I wear my shirt more buttoned down lately. I kind of did before but now it’s more often. I’m hanging out with salseros and we like it that way. Funny, my instructor would always unbutton his shirt really down. I would tell him, you want people to look at your naval. Hey some guys are like that. Now when I go dancing with some friends, I tell them to button down their shirt a little more because they only the second top button.

I see girls wearing a pretty top and jeans or slacks and it looks good. As long as her personality is pleasing and her smile is beaming, she always looks good.

Looking Good in Club

Whey you’re in a club or ballroom, you better believe it matters what you wear. Many want to have fun and shine because it’s a social gathering with new and old friends and always a great environment. Everyone is feeling good and looking good with what they have, especially for the ladies. Guys, they take the time and effort to look good so we should do the same.

Guys, girls talk, they check us out. Our personality, if our clothes are pressed, do we match our clothes, our shoes. Some people don’t care what others think and it’s ok. Keep in mind we are meeting new people and we want to meet others and have a good time. Hopefully, meet our future spouse.

One thing about salsa is we easily meet the opposite sex in our gatherings so odds are you’re going to hook up sooner or later. That’s a good thing. Who wants to be alone all the time?

There are many beautiful women meeting wonderful guys, it’s good.

Let’s get your salsa clothing

E.k. Clothing has a great selection of salsa dance clothes for men and women. Dresses, skirts, shirts, shoes and all accessories to make you look like you belong in a salsa movie. They have all styles of men and women clothing. You will be delighted with their selections

Also, take a look at the salsa dance shoes or ballroom dance shoes, it’s a must.

You have the moves but do you have the shoes. Think of it like your fitness shoes, since the dance floor is going to be your 24 hour fitness center.


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