October 3

Salsa and the Falling Economy


Hello fellow salseros. I thought to write a special column on the economy and how it affects salseros now and in the future. I know this is out of the norm from your usual salsa websites but it’s in my heart.


First, I’m not by all means a financial expert; I’m just a person who did some reading on the economy.  About two years ago, I believed the economy was going down and hyperinflation was inevitable.

I started listening to videos and reading books from individuals who were claiming certain events were going to happen in the world.  This was right after the market crash.

Like many other Americans, I invested in real estate and took a great loss.   Life moves on and we have to pick ourselves up and drive on.  We have no other choice.

Anyway, I watched videos by Peter Schiff, Robert Kioyasaki, Mike Dillard, Ron Paul and others.  If you search them, you’ll notice they have the same message. Other like individuals and experts should pop up where you can listen to their message also.

What are they saying is if America continues with the same economic policy, we are heading to a depression bigger than the one in the 1930s?  They give examples through history and economic policies of other nations and what occurred to them and how America is walking on the same path.

It’s not good news fellow salseros.


You may ask, what does this have to do with salsa?




Imagine going to a local club on a Wednesday night and the cover charge is $20.  Hey, that’s how much I pay for a cover charge to some clubs in NYC on a Saturday night.  Yeah, it could get pretty expensive and that’s just on a Wednesday night.

These experts are talking about high inflation hitting us, where it can also lead to hyperinflation. The prices for basic necessities are just going to sky rocket.

I don’t have to tell you, prices are already rising. I buy hostess cupcakes from a mini mart and it costs $1.59.   I remember it costing $1 not too long ago.  A can of soda coke cost $1 and it was around half the price not to long ago.

Yeah, I know, I have a weakness for sweets. Thank goodness for salsa for fitness, it helps balance of my struggles with rich and goooy food. Oh well, nobody is perfect.

As I was saying, the prices are going up and my understanding from word in the streets, the job situation is not looking good either. Therefore, we have inflation rising and loss of jobs at the same time.  I’m sure you can see how this forecast will be hitting salseros.


What are some steps to consider?


  • Read and watch videos on Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Mike Dillard and the likes
  • Start saving money.
  • Let go of pride and take a lunch basket when you go out to a club
  • Don’t buy expensive drinks in the bar, have a little stash in your car trunk (hopefully you can hold your own)
  • Check out discount clothing stores, you can sometimes get some good stuff at Marshalls
  • Watch videos on the internet of people sharing ideas on how to prepare for a depression

You have more ideas, than share them. There are so many other things we could do and should do.  We just have to open our options and do some research to save and prepare for the coming events of the near future.

Remember, I’m not an expert; I’m just a person who did a little reading.  I’ll continue sharing my ideas of the economy and how salseros can battle this head on.   Share this with people in your lives also; I’m sure they’ll benefit from the information.

Let’s put our heads together and find out other solutions.  I’m sure I’m not the only salsero who knows about these things, there are others out there who know.

We’ll start talking more about the Feds, why the price of gold is rising, the printing of money, etc., etc.

The good things about salsa is if things get worse, we could start throwing more house parties and for the summers we could have a great salsa and barbeque outing.  There is so much we can do.

Actually, I have a lot of fun at house parties; it’s a great way to meet people.  We can have a simple salsa class for one hour and have our flyers and business cards at hand for dance instructors.

We’ll figure something out.  If I’m wrong than no big deal, it was just a bad prediction.  Life goes on and let’s dances.

I would just say don’t depend on the main street media to get your information, you have to do your own research.  I trusted them to invest before the real estate collapse and looked what happened.  Invest in your own research, due diligence folks.





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