October 3

Salsa and the Economy the Frugal Salsero


Salsa dancing during tough economic times is affecting many. Salseros saving money during hard economic times is essential, especially now. Yes times are hard these days.

Many salseros are holding back on the dating scene and only willing to spend their hard earned money on a date they believe may have future potential.

The salsa dating scene, among salseros there is talk nowadays how to have a date but taking it easy on the pocketbook. It’s tough out there. They’re wallets are a little tighter and their being a little more selective.


I’m not saying all salseros but i would say more than half.  I’m just going to share some stories which may give some of the ladies some input on salseros and the current financial standing.  Hopefully, it will give your insight, understanding and compassion which many salseros are facing in the USA and world.

How do I say this, times are hard baby. The jobs and careers we had are not as stable and plentiful as they were just 4 years ago.  So much has happened these recent years, it has made it difficult for salseros to get the extra needed bracelet which goes perfect with their new shirt. They are shining and maintaining the salsa shoes they had for over a year.


Some even have to wash and iron the same outfit that night to wear it for an event tomorrow. Praying nobody from yesterday will be there or recognize they’re wearing the same outfit. It’s not easy washing a shirt and pants at 3:30 in the morning and hanging it up to dry, especially, if you’re drunk.

i know this may be shocking to some. I love going to NYC but it’s not always the most pleasant experience when you have to circle around Manhattan for 30 minutes or more to find parking which 7 blocks away from the club. Sometimes salseros don’t want to pay $30 for parking.

It is hard walking the streets of NYC, especially in the cold winter nights. However, these are the trials and tribulations many salseros must face. Either in NY or NJ, salsero is commuting to the club to save on gas, tolls and parking.


You’ll see more salseros popping up their trunks and brewing their own concoction of drinks on the street before they enter the club.

like some unemployed their huddled together trying to keep warm while getting sip of vodka and cranberry.  Their comraderies’ keeps them warm during the harsh January weather as the wind blow through their silk socks and Calvin Klein dress shirts.

i sincerely hope it doesn’t get worse. it would just break my heart to see well-dressed salsas standing outside the club saying, “hey buddy, could you spare $20 to get into the Copa.” Nothing breaks your heart more than watching well groomed young man who doesn’t have enough money to go out on a Saturday night.

I know it’s not a pretty sight. I’m not trying to get your sympathy; I just want you to understand the plight some of us face.


There are some measures we are taking and sharing now. It would be great if some could share some ways for salseros throughout the world to economize. Do you have some ideas? Share them here.

Some of the things I’ve took notice now are the free buffets some clubs are offering. I didn’t pay attention before but now, hey.

On Thursday nights, Fernandes night club in Newark’s Ironbound has a free buffet on midnight and only a $5 cover charge. If you go early it’s free. They also have a wonderful buffet on Sundays, starting around 8:30 p.m. I believe on Wednesdays, just down the street Lancers has a free buffet at 11p.m. Euro Lounge in North Arlington, NJ has a free buffet on Sundays. It all adds up at the end.

every dollar counts, especially those who need their salsa fix every weekend.  Keep moving and keep your chin up and continue looking for opportunities. Guys remember if you do plan to take out a lady on these nights, take the cost of drinks in consideration. If she has two drinks and you have two drinks, it can easily go around $50 plus tips. Of course you may not want to drink that night.

However, it may look awkward. Get the low cost drinks like a beer. The corona is good and if you’re really tapped, casually ask for draft beer. You could always order bottled water which always looks good with any dinner. Now if you are really struggling and are daring, tells the waiter you only drink tap chilled with ice.

There are more solutions out there and we’ll continue to share many more because i know the economy affecting the salsa lifestyle for many. Some of us like to look back when the days were good but those days may be over with for a while. Salseros must use their ingenuity to continue dancing and meeting new people, especially if you love going on dates.

I know, I know some may say, if you’re broke than don’t go out tonight or go on a date. You may have a point, however, we are salseros and this is our curse.

That being said, remember guys, some of us must learn now, how to be the frugal salsero, not the cheap bastard salsero.




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