September 28

Ideas for Salsa Parties


Ideas for salsa parties, Ideas for Latin parties, or dance parties. These are essential during these times. We’ll discuss several options. A consideration of cost conscience ones and just a plain cheap salsa party.

There are many services which provide great ideas for all types of parties. It doesn’t only have to be salsa, it can have a variation of music. That’s the great thing of Latin music, there is such a wide variety and you can dance to many of them.

My experience is even if it’s just a Latin party it will most likely have dancing. Where do you want to have it, a hall, backyard, park or home? There are so many options to choose and each one could have its own style.

This article is specifically for money saving party but there are so many ways to party. Is it a special event and you can’t afford to rent a hall? Do you want to throw a holiday party at your home or business? Perhaps, you’re just planning to throw several parties at your house for summer or winter.

Whatever, it may be we can plan a way to have fun and keep it light on the pocket book.

If you’re planning to rent a hall here are some suggestions and a guide to make it awesome. Consider the cost and choose which one suit you well at this time.

My experience is if you want to keep cost low for a rented hall, you must do the catering yourself and hopefully you have many friends. The friends will come in handy and they could help with the serving of the food and preparations.

My friend got married and he needed to keep it low on cost. Basically, he rented the hall but all the food was cooked by friends and family. They were also the dishwashers, servers and cleanup crew.

I was happy for him; I didn’t sit to enjoy the feast because I was a server and dishwasher for the night. He’s a great guy so I was honored to serve and help out. Now, if you’re a great person like him, there is much you can do.

However, if you don’t have as many friends, we can work that out too.

Let’s discuss a regular house party, one which you can throw every week. Therefore, it doesn’t have to be expensive at all but it should still be awesome and your friends and family should leave their blown away. What I’m saying is don’t just have a party with food, drinks and music.

Over deliver, bring more than what was expected. Simple decorations, lights, smoke screen, a simple live performance, a video setup to watch and much more. Here are some great ideas for a home salsa party. Put a theme in the party, something like Havana Nights or a Hector Lavoe tribute with a center piece of him, filled with pictures and a small written tribute. Of course have a Hector Lavoe look alike present.

He doesn’t have to a singer, just look like him and when he performs just let him lip sync. The crowd will get it and go along with your gig. It can be any performer, Marc Anthony, Jerry Rivera, etc., etc. I would suggest whoever you use, make sure he practices for the night performance. You don’t want somebody performing something and being clueless. Just put a little effort.

Put some salsa girls as back up dancers and if possible let them have matching outfits. A little imagination and some elbow work and you’ll have a party which will have them coming for more.

Take them outdoors and have salsa barbeque, just try not to anger your neighbors with the music. Salsa dancing in the outdoors, ahhh, who can ask for more.

Just follow our next article for this salsa download.


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