September 28

I just want to salsa, not looking for romance


Some people just want to dance and enjoy their time with friends or family. They’re not looking for some to woo them off their feet. This is a consideration we should consider when meeting someone.
It’s not about us, it’s just a point they’re at in their lives. For whatever reason it may be we need to respect it. It’s easier said than done. When we meet someone we like we try to convince them now is the right time to fall in love.

I’ve been there, I guess we all have and it’s hard when they say now is not the time. However, like I said it’s not always about you. We don’t know what the circumstances of her of his life were. Perhaps they just left a draining relationship and they need some time to themselves.

On my part there is more understanding today than several years ago. For the past year and half I was not in a serious relationship or in love. I was involved in some complicated relationships for some years. Looking back I could see the great experiences and the sadness.

Realizing is should have walked away much sooner, I didn’t and there was much time lost and pointless aggravation I didn’t have to put myself into. It’s almost embarrassing talking about it because I see the foolish mistakes I made and say to myself, I knew better.

However, I like to say to myself everything is an experience and if you walk away learning from it, it was not a loss or a waste of time. Life is filled with experience, some wonderful and some not. We must drive on.
Besides if those experiences didn’t occur, I wouldn’t be sitting here writing these salsa stories.

Here I am now by my lonesome but I’m fine, really I am. A relationship is just to draining right now. It takes too much of my time and energy. As everyone knows to maintain a strong relationship you must provide some sacrifice and giving on your part.

The truth is I’m going through a selfish stage in my life. I like doing what I want, when I want and not having to explain myself to anyone. What time I’m coming home or if I’m coming at all.

Yeah, I like it however, this is today but who knows about tomorrow.

Our instincts are important and it helps us avoid a bad romance. If the time is not right than we need to move on. It is easier said than done. Therefore, you must keep salsa dancing and the world will fall in place. Hey, it beats getting taken by these internet romance scams or yahoo romance scams.

Therefore, don’t rush into a bad romance. Some people go to a salsa class to getaway or for a new beginning. They may not want to rush into anything, they just want to have fun and make some new friends.
If that is the case than give it some time. Steady my friend be steady and remember magic always happens on the dance floor.


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