September 28

Does it matter if your salsa instructor is a leader?


Does it really matter if your instructor is a leader? Perhaps, you believe all that matters is that you’re taught how to dance well. That can be true; you may not have any interest in building a relation with your instructor or anyone in your class.

There are those who may just be passing by and have other things to do. I don’t know what some students have in mind.

It’s my opinion salsa is a very social activity and if someone wants to form a school and teach others than he or she should be someone who loves to help people. Well, they all don’t need to love but I believe if they really care about people, this can be one of the key ingredients for their business to flourish.

Some students really look up to their instructors. I noticed women, not all but more women than men build closeness to their instructor and value their advice. Some may be legitimate advice and they really care and want you to be your best.

However, some could be crap. I met some instructor who only want their money, women and are very selfish and vice versa. They may be good dancers but I believe having a successful school and inspiring students is much more than just being a good dancer.

Salsa is more than just going to class, it’s a lifestyle.

People want to do things, meet others and have a great time with their friends and to plan events takes some time. You can’t grow if all you do is just teach.

I’m know there are instructor who get by just on their talents but they can’t move the human heart and after a while their students know their full of it. They may continue taking their class but after a while they’ll lose respect for them.

If they want to make an event, this type of instructor will delegate duties to some students. They’ll let them do all the work. I met people like this. Always the same students will take the time to do something but trust me, after some time they realize, they’re being used.

I know this is a business and people have bills to pay


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