September 28

Calling it a night on the salsa floor


Sometimes, I’m in a club and i just want to call it a night. It’s late or early and I’m very tired. My thoughts are, I should have stayed home. You ever get that feeling?

It’s just not my night.

The question is should we call it a night and go home. There are some who may look at this like a defeated attitude. I came here to have a good time and if I meet someone and I’m not going home until I get my justice.

I understand and that’s a good attitude to have, if i had to choose a certain mentality when I go out, this would be the one. Everything could have gone wrong that day. Co-worker attitudes. I just go into a fight with my girlfriend, my mom yelled at me, etc., etc.

However, the night belongs to me and I’m going to end it with a bang.

Believe me, I try to maintain this attitude and forget about my problems for a while and just have fun. However, at times, this may be more easily said than done. Sometimes we are just not feeling it and that’s okay. We don’t always have to force ourselves to feel in the mood.

For example, last week I went to a salsa club and when I went to pick up my friend, I felt exhausted. I told him from the beginning, we are not coming straight home when it closes. We’re going to sleep in the car for a while. I’m not sure why I was tired but if you go out for 3 nights in a row, maybe you should give your body a rest or maybe not.

I knew I would be too tired. If it’s really late and I’m tired or had a few drinks, I’ll turn on the heater and some music and crack the window 2 inches and just sleep a bit. This strongly recommended. If more people would practice this, it could result in less dui and accidents.

We got to the club and went straight to the bathroom to splash some water on my face. At the bar I asked the bartender to give me something which will give me some energy and he gave me pure red bull. It was the first time I drank red bull and I’m not sure if it helped me or not. However, I was awake.

Standing by me and watching the salseros make their move was pleasant for a while but within 15 minutes, it hit me. It just wasn’t my night. It doesn’t always happen but it does. You just give up on event and it seems as if nothing good happens. I just got more tired and leaned back against a wall.

I should just go home. My friends wanted to stay, I couldn’t be selfish, and so I just hung around and watched everyone dance.

They kept asking me to dance with someone but I didn’t. There were just too many mixed emotions. I can’t speak for everyone but for me when I go to some place and I’m not in the mood or just not feeling it right away, I usually do something to jump start me.

As soon as I enter, I waste no time and ask the first girl I see to dance. If she says not now, I’ll ask another and keep going. When we finish, I’ll ask the next girl and keep going. My heart is beating stronger and suddenly, I got my strength and confidence back. If I hang around too long, I could start losing faith, so I have to make the move quickly.

It was one of those nights and I had to get a quick jump start or I would just fizzle and i didn’t.
People start figuring out what moves them or not. To make the day a success, you have to come in with your body posture and a mindset of success. Whatever field you choose, you need to manifest this outwards.

This is true for salsa. If you want to make the event successful you should enter with a great attitude. Don’t feel defeated or down, you don’t yet how the day may finish, so keep your head up.

30 minutes before closing and after much prodding, I decided to ask someone to dance. She said, no. A couple of songs later I asked someone else and she said no.

Thinking about it, my tired and defeated attitude could have easily transpired to the women I asked to dance. There could have been many reasons why they said no. I don’t take it personal, who knows what is going into the mind of another person.

Finally 5 minutes before we leave, I ask one more lady I noticed throughout the evening and she said yes. It was a nice dance and she started a small conversation with me. I should have taken action earlier. Oh well.

As we left the building, I just sighed but it quickly hit me.

Tomorrow is another day.


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