September 27

Be gentle with her heart


I met a fellow salsero and we became friends. I would sit in the same table with him and watched the way he communicated with the ladies. This guy had some serious game. It was interesting to watch the way he operated. I must say, he taught me a couple of things.

He loved the attention women gave him. He’s not a pretty either but he knows how to handle himself. He told me of a girl who was interested in me. I liked her, well; I was physically attracted but not thinking wedding bells.
After all, I only knew her for two months. She had a nice personality and was very sweet. I liked her and was interested in getting to know her better. I relied on the info my friend told me. “Don’t worry I’m on top of it” he told me.

Great, I thought to myself. I’ll just let the fish bite the bait.

It’s official; she really likes me and wants to get closer. It’s always good when a woman really likes you. My friend told me, its good now. I told her you love her.
Excuse me, did I hear correctly. Yes, he told her I fell deeply in love with her. Dude are you out of your mind. How can you say I’m in love?

He told me if I want to be with her than just let her know you’re in love. I like her but, love is a powerful word. It’s not just a word I throw around. “Don’t worry about it” he said. I’m thinking to myself, what I am going to do when she finds out I’m not in love.

It didn’t matter to him, if it gets me close to her, then it’s all that matters.

The truth is I don’t know what I really felt. We haven’t even gone on a date. We just know each other through our dance class.

Now, that was the kicker. I have to see her every week and dance with her. I still want to meet other girls at our class and the social events. I’m not ready to settle down at this moment of my life. My salsa is getting better and I want to meet different people on group dates or with my friends.

Perhaps, something could grow between us but not like this. I don’t want to lie to her.

I got into a sharp disagreement with my friend and told him not to tell her I love her anymore. Why not, she’s really cares about you and she doesn’t even want to dance with some guys because she doesn’t want to disrespect me.
Well, to make a long story short, I told my friend never to tell a girl I just met that I love her. I just don’t have the heart to tell her such a big lie. Anyway, I got close to her and shared a wonderful kiss. However, things got weird, very soon.

I guess she thought if I love her, I don’t know how to show it. If only we could have taken it slow. Perhaps something could have happened.

Guys don’t tell a girl you love if you don’t. Actually, I personally don’t know many guys who do this but you meet your scoundrels, here and there.

It’s my experience if you forward and truthful with a woman, she will respect you more for it. Wherever you decide to take your relationship, you can breathe easy knowing two adults have an understanding. If for some reason, your relationship ends abruptly, you can always, baby, I was always truthful with you.

She loves you for it and agrees you are a man of honesty, integrity and thank you for the wonderful memories.
Uggghhh, maybe not.


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