September 28

Does salsa and intoxication mix?


Salsa dancing and being drunk is not the best combination. If you’re in a club they obvious have an assortment of drinks but it doesn’t mean you have to take any. You must be able to handle yourself well.

Salsa represents charm, elegance and sophistication to many. Nothing takes away its essence more than a person stumbling around and speaking incoherently. I’m not knocking you if you go out with your friends and do whatever it is you do.

However, if you’re planning to specifically go out salsa dancing and you drink a couple of glasses of vodka, you may have trouble with your coordination. You should strive to make your salsa precise and the shots will keep you from reaching this goal.

If you’re a guy and you’re dancing with a girl who is blasted, you know how it is when you have to literally keep her up. Spinning her around as she stumbles on the floor. Some guys are put off by this but I guess some guys are fine with it also, I guess more men than women.

If you’re with a group of salseros in a car driving to your dancing destination, they’ll let you know if you are drinking too much. Taking too many shots and slurring in the car from the beginning will definitely put you in a slumber at the club.

They’ll tell you to chill we’re going to dance salsa; it’s not an English club. In an English club you can be bombed when you’re dancing because you don’t need precise coordination for every move.

My experience is in a salsa club more women turned off by a very intoxicated guy. Well, I guess in any club a woman is turned off by a drunken guy. Perhaps, they are more tolerant at a frat party.

As I said, salsa represents class and drunken salsero is not the best idea. I was at the Iguana Lounge in NY with some friends. Well, one of them was talking to two ladies sitting at the bar. I don’t know what he was saying but they had a very annoyed look on their face.

Actually, it was my friend Pete and I watching them. We thought what he said to annoy them because they were agitated as soon as he opened his mouth. He just stood next to them for a while and finally one of the girls pushed him away.

We were like, what the heck was that all about. Then one of the women walked away from the table. Our friend walked up to us and we asked him what happened? He said, “I no no now wha wha you wha a ahha whaa s s Scooby dooo.
He was bombed and none of his words made sense. He sounded exactly like the cartoon character Scooby Do. I thought he called one of the girls shaggy or something. No wonder they were immediately angry. He made absolutely no sense.

To make matters worse the lady who got up came back with the bouncers looking for him so we took my friend and quickly hid him in the bathroom. Lounging with him in the bathroom for 10 minutes we went back out and had him sit down. He slowly got up and sat next to girl he danced with earlier and she gave the same reaction the other girls had. We cut the night short and got out of there before we got kicked out.

I could tell you so many stories but you see my point. Being plastered and salsa is not a good mix, besides it appears the woman of salsa are less tolerant to a drunken salsero.


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