October 3

The Mysterious Salsero with mood swings


Severe mood swings in salsa dance studio. As a salsero, here are some of my experience and how I dealt with it.


Have you come across a salsero with mood swings who is in your group?  Many of us come in contact with individuals we just don’t understand.  They appear like regular people who want to have a good time and dance all night just like us.


However, you’ll notice the more you get to know someone and spend time with them, there’s a new discovery in their lives.  Some good and some not so pleasant, I don’t want to go deep into their mind frame, it will be another subject.


I do want share some of my experiences on the dance floor and just hanging out.  A few examples will be shared. Also, tell us of some of your episodes with salseros, who out of nowhere flip on you.


You’re like, where the heck did that come from and the next time you sit by them, you give yourself an arm length distance.


I was dancing with a girl after class and it appeared she was having a good time. We were beginners but we had a little something under our belt. I was just looking to relax and did some simple moves, nothing really fancy, just the basics.


Within two minutes, she said, “Is that all you know, don’t you know more moves!”  Where did that come from?  Someone can be frustrated if they’re only doing the basics and want to try new moves or practice. This is understandable.


It was very simple to say, “Let’s get rocking and bust out our moves.” Your wish is my command senorita. That is all you have to say and of course a slight smile goes a long way.


However, she yelled and it was loud.  Plus, she had such an angry look on her face.  I don’t know what made her think she could yell at me on the dance floor.  We shouldn’t let people mistreat us.  If someone gets aggressive, stand your ground and don’t get pushed around.


Of course this was a lady and man must be composed. I kept quiet and put a smile on my face and finished the song. Walking back to my table I pondered on what just happened.  I realized it’s best to compose yourself and give it some time before you react and speak your words from such situations.


This has helped me tremendously in my life. In other words, bite your tongue because there will be severe mood swings in salsa dance studio. It happens.


Every situation must be dealt with differently and this one called for a brief silence. You do what you have to do for your particular circumstance.


Did I do something wrong?  Did I hold her to tight or step on her feet or was rude?  After some thought, I realized, it wasn’t me.  For some reason she snapped, it could have been anything, who knows.


Perhaps, she was ill or going through some harsh personal matters in her life. Men and women are so different, I may never understand.  It’s okay though, our differences. We may never truly understand each other but we can learn to communicate better, we could try and live and love in our own unique way.


I said above it will be a couple of stories but this article is a little longer than expected, so I’ll just do one and continue late about sever mood swings in salsa dance studio.


As I was saying, for whatever the reason, it’s not right for a woman or man to react this way and embarrass someone publicly.  She should learn to deal with situations better because it will only hurt her in the end.


I learned if you can’t deal with such simple matters in life as dancing with someone on the dance floor how are you going to handle a serious relationship.


Letting a cooler head prevail, I let this one go. There’s a time to take care of business and there are times to just let it be.  Besides we weren’t close and didn’t hang out much either.


Like I said earlier, maybe she just had a bad day, it happens.


A few weeks later a fellow salsero was standing next to me and he started to get in the groove to dance but there weren’t many girls that night. I looked back and there she was behind me. I asked him, “Why don’t you ask her to dance?” He replied, “No, she has an attitude.”


Share your stories about severe mood swings in salsa dance studio, we want to know.



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